sean 发表于 2012-6-12 13:02


苹果已经发布了全新的macbook pro、IOS6以及OS X,可以说这次的产品发布非常的重量级,值得期待!

Macbook PRO

15 英寸: 2.3 GHz Retina 显示屏2.3GHz 四核 Intel Core i7 处理器 Turbo Boost 高达 3.3GHz 8GB 1600MHz 内存 256GB 闪存1 Intel HD Graphics 4000 NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M,配备 1GB GDDR5 显存 内置电池(7 小时)
15 英寸: 2.6 GHz Retina 显示屏
2.6GHz 四核 Intel Core i7 处理器 Turbo Boost 高达 3.6GHz 8GB 1600MHz 内存 512GB 闪存1 Intel HD Graphics 4000 图形处理器 NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M,配备 1GB GDDR5 显存 [*]内置电池(7 小时)

接口全部更新为USB3.0,重量和厚度大幅度降低,平均厚度1.8cm 重量为2.02kg。

iOS 6

With improved text input and built-in support for popular Chinese Internet services, iOS 6 makes iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch even better for Chinese-speaking users. With a new Chinese dictionary and improved text input, typing in Chinese is easier, faster, and more accurate. You can mix full and abbreviated Pinyin and even type English words in a Pinyin sentence without switching keyboards. With support for over 30,000 characters, iOS 6 more than doubles the number of Chinese characters supported in handwriting recognition. And when you add words to your personal dictionary, iCloud makes them available on all your devices. Baidu is a built-in option in Safari, and you can share videos directly to Youku and Tudou. You can also post to Sina Weibo from Camera, Photos, Maps, Safari, and Game Center.
With iOS 6, Siri understands more languages, works in more countries, and is available on the new iPad.2 So you can get more things done in more places around the world. Want to know the latest scores and stats for your favorite teams and players? Thanks to iOS 6, Siri knows the answers. Or maybe it’s movie night. Siri can show you the latest reviews and showtimes. Find the best restaurants in town and make reservations. Even open your apps for you — no tapping required. Say "Launch Flight Tracker" or "Open Where’s My Water" and Siri does just that.


OS X Mountain Lion 针对许多热门的中文特点与服务提供全新支持。全新的中文词典和升级的文本输入法,使输入汉字变得更轻松、更快速、更准确。通过八种全新字体,你的书写内容可以用正式、非正式或有趣的形式呈现。Mail 支持 QQ、163 和 126。 领先的中文搜索服务提供商百度是 Safari 的内置选项。现在你即可从你所用的 app 发布内容至网页上。在优酷和土豆上发布视频。在热门服务商新浪微博上发布你的微博。共享比以往更轻松。所有的这些全新服务均可在你的 Mac 上轻松设置。

zkf1976 发表于 2012-6-13 14:37


ly1989814 发表于 2012-6-13 22:01


zkf1976 发表于 2012-6-15 02:47

ly1989814 发表于 2012-6-13 22:01 static/image/common/back.gif


安之 发表于 2012-6-18 21:36


安之 发表于 2012-6-18 21:37


elva1984 发表于 2012-6-26 13:59

安之 发表于 2012-6-18 21:36 static/image/common/back.gif


zkf1976 发表于 2012-6-27 19:04

elva1984 发表于 2012-6-26 13:59 static/image/common/back.gif

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